IA 2.0 Report - how to delete a scout from the report

I’ve taken over and an IA report wasn’t uploaded to myscouting. One scout is no longer in the troop but the report won’t download bc she’s an error (no ID). Is there a way to delete a scout’s achievement to not be uploaded?

Hi @KerrieHecker,

You can go to that scout’s profile and click on “deactivate” in the top right corner. This will save their information in TroopTrack but remove them from mailing lists and the I.A 2.0 report in TroopTrack.


David Keener

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Will that remove the person from an open report if they download the text file again after deactivating the user?

Hi @AaronStorey,

No, once the report is generated and downloaded it won’t change the names on that report.


David Keener

In that case @KerrieHecker you would need to open the text file that you download from TT and just remove any lines containing that Scout, save it and upload to IA 2.0.

HI @KerrieHecker,

Aaron is correct. If you’ve already downloaded the report then you’ll need to just go into the file that was downloaded and delete that scout’s information.

It sounded from your first comment that the I.A 2.0 report wouldn’t download from TT because the scout doesn’t have an ID associated with their profile. If that’s the case, then deactivating them will remove them from that in TroopTrack and allow you to download the report.


David Keener