Deposit Funds with Stripe! (03/18/2015)

This morning we deployed a fix to the "Deposit Funds" feature for troops using Stripe. You can now use your credit card to deposit funds directly into a money account you own. It's simple and fast and you know immediately if the transaction went through.


I just signed up for Stripe and tested this. It works!


Is this the same as using a square account?

Hi @DonHoover,

Thanks for asking you questing here on the Community.

Stripe and Square are different products.

Square is used for taking credit card payments in person while Stripe is used to take them over the internet.

Let us know if you have any other questions!


Funny thing you asked. I signed up for Stripe over the weekend. Today, I received an email from about changing terms and conditions. I have an account, but there is no information in my profile.

@mlsully2002- Good to know thanks. I had the same question as Don. I’m assuming we could use any credit card ACH such as Square Up, but would have to manually add the transaction into trooptrack,




That is correct. You will need to manually add the transactions if you use Square or some other transaction service.

Thanks for asking!


Thanks for the quick response and clarification.

Taking walk up transactions peaks my curiosity, but maybe sometime down the road.

Square has the ability to take online payments but it has not yet been integrated into Troop Track. So transactions would have to be manually loaded. We would really like to see it added as it has great POS functionality for selling face to face. Anyone else feel that way?


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I would like to have a face to face POS function, I just don’t know that I need it. We just signed up with Stripe, and this allows parents to deposit funds into their son’s Scout Account using a credit card.

Because it integrates with TT, parents should be able to make that last minute deposit happen pretty quickly.

I see the need for other scouting organizations to have a face to face POS system that is integrated into TT.

I wonder if you reached out to Stripe and asked for a POS what they would tell you?



Hi @NicholasBrown2 - I suggest you start a new topic under ideas for this and see what sort of traction you get. I was reading about the square API and it looked pretty nice.
