First Aid Merit Badge Requirements

The requirements for First Aid changed in 2018, 2019, and 2022. It looks like TroopTrack has the 2018 requirements listed. I need the 2022 version added.

@dave, @Tyler,

Please update the First Aid MB requirements. Here is the current BSA requirements. Thank you.

When can we expect the requirements to be updated? The last update was January 2022.

6 moths after last reply and still no change. My scouts are coming back from summer camp and the requirements aren’t up to date, import is not lining up. Any word when this will be corrected?

Bumping this topic. There are many other merit badges which need updating as well. All Merit Badges A-Z | Boy Scouts of America


I have sent the latest First Aid requirements to Dave directly. He will get them updated as soon as he is able. While it is frustrating to not have all of the correct requirements show just as an FYI in the overall structure of BSA Advancements the only thing that gets uploaded to Advancements is the final completion. As long as the boys are using the correct current requirements, which summer camp would be sure to use, once marked as complete the individual requirements don’t have any real bearing on Advancement tracking. For Partials that is where it would be nice so a boy knows what specific items they still need.

First Aid Merit Badge has been updated.