Google Analytics 4 (GA4) now supported

Are you using google analytics to monitor activity on your TroopTrack site? If so, you might be aware that Universal Analytics (also known as GA3) is going to be retired in July. To upgrade to GA4, just go to the Webmaster Settings page and hit the "Upgrade to GA4" button, then provide your Google Measurement ID.

What's coming up next? Newsletter. I am redesigning the newsletter template to work better on all devices. This is a fairly big effort and requires a lot of testing, so it may be a few weeks.

Have a great week!


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Does every trooptrack member need the new google analytics or just people who have custom domains?

Thank you Tanya De Hoyos Tx0131

Hi Tanya,
If you use google analytics in TroopTrack, and you haven’t upgraded to GA4 yet, your google analytics will stop working sometime soon, regardless of whether you have a custom domain or not.

If you don’t currently use google analytics in TroopTrack, you don’t need to worry about this.

Hope that helps!
