Last night when I was entering badgework on the AHG 25th Birthday Patch, it gliched in the saving part. Not knowing if it actually took, I repeated it several times. Finally, it dawned on me that I could look at the shopping list and see if it saved… well sure enough, it did! 4 times! What is the best way for me to adjust this? I can obviously only by 45 patches instead of 180, but I would really rather not have to go into each girl’s record and delete the three extras.
Sarah Rose
Hi @SarahRose,
I’m not able to recreate this glitch.
In order to remove them from the girl’s profile you’d have to do this by clicking the red x out beside each award. You can do that when you’re in a girls profile and clicking on the “achievements” tab.
If you just want to remove them from the shopping list then you can click on “achieve” and “present awards”. This will allow you to mark some of those off as purchased in bulk, which will then remove them from the shopping list.
David Keener