Dear Trooptrack Team,
Thank you for the redesigned Trooptrack website. It is very easy to read on my phone now
As with any new design, there are unintended bugs that need to be fixed. For myself, I found that from my iphone or my Mac computer, when I tried to print reports it would not just print the page I was on, it would want to print a whole bunch of other extraneous pages. Also, on the old website I was able to print achievement reports for an entire unit.
For example I would often print reports for the explorer unit girls (I am an Explorer Unit Leader in AHG) so I could see what badges each girl had completed and which ones still needed to be finished. I was able to print this in a LIST format of all explorer girls. Unfortunately, the way the system is set up now I have to go into each Explorer girl’s individual file and print an individual achievement report separately which is a tremendous waste of time and paper.
I am hoping that your team is working on these type of bugs quickly so that people who use the system regularly can continue to use it effectively while enjoying the benefits of the new design.
AHG Explorer Unit Leader