Copy Event 2020

I have used the Copy Event option in the past and it is an awesome feature. Today, I get the following error:
"The page you were looking for doesn’t exist.

You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved."
I tried logging out and logging back in to the program. I have also cleared my cache. But, I still get the same message.
I am able to create new events. However, I would like to be able to save time and be able to use the Copy Event feature. Please help.

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I’m not able to re-create this issue. I went into your profile and clicked on an event, and clicked “copy event”, and it copied that event and let me edit it as well (I didn’t save the event to your calendar).

Is this still an issue you’re having? If so on what event is it happening to?


David Keener

You will find a Word file with the screenshots for my attempts to copy events. I have tried numerous times and have signed out of the program, signed back in, cleared my cache, restarted my computer, tried to copy different events and even tried another computer. I get the same error message

Please help. This is a time saving feature I find so very useful when it works.

Teresa Osborne

Troop Coordinator

AHG Troop AZ1212

“Cast yourself into the arms of God and be very sure that if He wants anything of you, He will fit you for the work and give you strength.”

St. Philip Neri

(Attachment Copy Event - Error 20200813.docx is missing)


Okay I’m understanding the bug more now.

It’s not happening when you click “copy to event”, but what is happening is when you click “copy to event” it brings you to the page to plan that event. Then when you click “create” (after changing the date) it brings you to the page that says “the page you’re looking for doesn’t exist”.

Is that correct? Is that the bug that’s occuring?


David Keener

Yes, you have got it!


“Trust the past to the Mercy of God, the present to His Love, and the future to His Providence.” ~~ St. Augustine of Hippo


Okay I’m going to get this bug over to our tech team, and I’ll let you know when they get it fixed.


David Keener

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I am also seeing this issue happening. I am unable to copy an event to a new date and I get the same error message mentioned above. Just FYI.


Hi everyone,

Our tech team was able to get this bug fixed. Now when copying an event an error message won’t occur.


David Keener