Delays in Responding to Emails/Calls

Just by way of heads-up, we wanted to let everyone know why we have seemed a little hard to reach the last little while. We are super small - Dave (CEO), Spencer (developer), and me (help desk). Spencer keeps the day-to-day site up and running and I answer all of the emails and phone calls. The last few weeks have been a little crazy for us - our 18-month-old got sick, then we both got sick, and then we had a funeral to attend. As such, it didn’t take long to get behind, particularly when it comes to responding to everyone’s emails and so forth. We apologize for any delays or inconvenience this has caused.

If you ever have something urgent, email is usually the fastest way to reach me, since I get the notifications on my phone, even if I am away from my desk. I won’t always be able to respond immediately, but if you are unable to get in touch by phone, that is usually the most efficient means of communication. :slight_smile:

We hope you had a great St. Patrick’s Day and an awesome week!

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