Does anyone know how long it takes to hear back from TT Support when submitting an email? I am having an account issue and would like some clarification before attempting any other changes. I sent a request on 10/11/22 with no response. I had a similar experience in Sept when submitting a request on 9/9/22 and did not hear anything until 9/21/22. Just curious if this is the norm? Sorry, my Pack is new to the platform.
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Unfortunately it is taking a long time for support to answer questions. They recently had a staff member move on to other opportunities and it is their busiest time of the year. They are working through the messages as quickly as possible. Other times of the year and when they have full staffing they are much faster at responding.
I’ve got a ticket two months old, another almost a month old, heard back from a support email but then never heard back when I responded again. It’s super slow. I hope they replace them soon because we do pay for reasonable support times!