NEW FEATURE: Sell pancake breakfast tickets, online!

We’ve had a feature called “Public Events” in a private beta for a long time. When TT4 is live it will be available to everyone. Only available for troops that use Stripe for online payments, public events lets you sell tickets to events online, like a pancake breakfast or some other fundraiser.

A crew in Texas has been using it to sell tickets to CPR training they provide and it’s worked well for them. On the beta, you can turn it on in Troop Settings, like this:

You will also want to give yourself the manage public events privilege. Once you’ve done that, a new option will appear under the plan menu - Public Events. You will be able to set up your events there, and they will appear on your public website. Please note that any events you set up on the beta site will be available to non-beta users as well.

We hope you like this new feature! Please let us know what you think.


Is it just with Stripe or the Paypal option too?

At this time it’s only Stripe. We will add PayPal support at some point, but marketplace integrations with PayPal are a pain in TroopTrack right now and I want to redesign it.

Thanks: Both Troop and Crew would be interested once paypal.

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This sounds awesome!

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