12 Oct 2018 Update

We’ve made several fixes to the site:

  • We’ve clarified the Troop “Reply To” setting (Manage > Settings > Edit Troop Settings > TroopTrack Settings). This lets you specify the “Reply To” field for emails sent by TroopTrack on behalf of your troop, like Event Invitations and the Troop Newsletter. So if a user responds to an Event Invite, their response would be sent to this email.
  • We fixed a bug on the new Item Records page for Event Items. The page would sometimes break if someone had begun paying for an Event Item with PayPal but hadn’t finished.
  • On the Dashboard, we fixed a link to edit achievements for some troops
  • For TLUSA Troops: We fixed an issue where old CORs were still getting new member application emails.

Have a great weekend!

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I just noticed that “Send Event Email” has been changed to “Email Invitees.” One of our greatest problems is getting people to RSVP, regardless of how easy you have made it. So only emailing invitees (especially an event with zero invitees) doesn’t help. And it appears you never announced this change. Could you please go back to being able to select the four options for who to send to?

That is a setting. If the event is setup so RSVP’s are done by TroopTrack you will have the option of emailing the 4 types. But if it’s set for RSVP’s to be handled outside of TroopTrack you will only be able to email invitees as TT has no way of knowing who has replied.