This is a bit of a problem- TT will not let me email those already invited to an event in August. This certainly used to work…
Hi @CraigWiggins,
TroopTrack is aware of this bug, and our tech team is working on a fix for it. Currently if you go into “record attendance”, and don’t record any attendance (but just click on save) then it will let you send an email to anyone who hasn’t RSVP’d.
David Keener
Worked like a charm. Thank you!
Hi @CraigWiggins ,
Our amazing tech team has gotten this bug fixed, so now when you invite people to an event, and they haven’t RSVP’d yet you can email them!
You can do this by clicking on the event, “details”, then clicking “email attendees”. From there you can check the box of “no response”, and email anyone who hasn’t responded as going/ not going.
David Keener
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