When I use the API to get the list of Scouts, it does not tell me their nickname or the suffix. Also, when I call the API to get the user specific information, I can’t get these fields either. And if I try to compare the webpage output to my API output, the names do not mix.
Could you add a field in either the Get /v1/users output or the Get /v1/users/{id} output that shows the name as it will be shown from the website? Specifically, the Rank book is what I’d like to match here. That page shows the name as “<nickname> <last name> <suffix>”. So, if I can get the entire string as printed on the Rank book page, that’s great! If I can query the nickname and the suffix from one of the APIs as well, that would be fine as well as I can build the name as needed.
API works great by the way! Thanks for providing this!