Hello Everyone.
As most of you know, our long-time support associate David Keener recently moved on to a new position as he pursues a career in marketing. We have struggled to replace him - it’s a tough market right now and we are a very small company.
As a result, @Tyler and I have been doing customer support, and we aren’t very good at it. Response times are long right now and we are struggling to catch up.
One thing we have learned since Keener’s departure: the vast majority of support requests are imports and transfers. I recently did fifty imports and a dozen transfers. It took me several hours, but it got the programmer in me thinking. Why are we doing these manually? It creates work for me, and a delay for you.
So I gathered the development team, and we embarked on automating them. Imports are now automated and the results should be instantaneous. Transfers are in the process of being automated. The first version will be for outbound transfer requests - a person with the “Manage Members” privilege will be able to start a transfer of members to another unit, but that transfer will not be complete until someone from the other unit accepts them.
I think it will take another two-three weeks to finish that transfer feature. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the automated imports.