Emails not be sent

I am unable to send out emails to my troop.

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several others are also reporting the same issue here: Emails via website - #8 by KristenMcKiernan1

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Thanks. I saw that. I’m just wondering if and when it is going to be fixed and if there’s a better way to get a hold of somebody to try to fix it.? It doesn’t appear that the community forum is being monitored By their support team

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Hi All

Our email provider recently implemented a change limiting the number of recipients per email. Dave is currently working on updating our system to comply with this new limit. Once the adjustments are complete, the email feature will resume functioning. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

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When will this be fixed? We use this to inform our troop to sign up for a campout which they need to do very soon.

We had a message go out recently that was below the threshold, but was formatted very poorly. Contacted support.

Hi. Emails sent via Magic Mailing lists, website, and E-Blast are not being received. We contacted you about this over a week ago with no response to date. We have an outing this weekend, and this issue has significantly impacted our ability to plan and communicate. When will this be fixed?