Filter out Inactive Custom Awards?

Hi @Pushkaraj! :slightly_smiling_face:

It would help manage our many Custom Awards if the Inactive Custom Awards were not displayed in the same list as the Active Custom Awards.

What would work for me is:
Gear Icon > Custom Awards: displays all Active Custom Awards

In the gray menu bar, next to “Create a New Custom Award”, would be a link to Inactive Custom Awards.

This would be helpful to me in 2 ways:

  1. I could find our Active Custom Awards more quickly.
  2. I could edit them to make them Inactive more easily.

Ooh - could you add “Make Inactivate” as an option in the blue Action button? That would be great, too!

Thank you!

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love these ideas! it would be so nice to not see all the old old patches (but don’t want to delete them because want them to stay in girls’ records).