How do I transfer member information to a new Troop?

There is a new Troop starting in our area (yay!) in the fall. Several families are transferring to that troop. How do I get their member information (badges, service hours, attendance, etc) transferred to the new Troop?

Cheryl Porter
Registrar Troop OR0001

Hi @TreasurerOR0001,

We have a pretty simple process for transferring users between troops in TroopTrack.

We just need you to open a helpdesk ticket and give us the names, following the instructions in this post:

and we need permission from both troops and then BOOM! done.

Let me know if you have any questions.


  1. Some of the people joining the new troop were not active this past year. Do I need to activate them in the old troop in order for their information to be transferred to the new one?

Is there a print “every possible bit of information on one scout” report? If they are transferring without trooptrack?


You can, but you don’t have to.

I think the detailed report in the individual scout’s profile is a good place to start. Then check custom reports for anything else you might want to include.