How does your unit use the Other Accounts Money Feature?


I love that feature but we’re trying to figure out how to use the newsletter efficiently. Right now, we have so many things going out to our parents that it’s all being ignored, missed, or sent to junk mail. Parents to try and read email, but when there is so much coming in it is easy to ignore or miss important stuff. Also, converting our families over TT is a challenge. We went from a completely paper troop to a 95% digital troop. Some of our families are a little resistant to change. :wink:

Have you seen this conversation about the Newsletters: Monthly Newsletter Improvements

We are having a hard time figuring out how to make the newsletter work efficiently for our troop. Right now, our coordinator tries to send out a weekly/bi-weekly newsletter. For us, the only way for families to see their account is to log on to TT and see it on their dashboard. Since their account balance is at the very top, we’re hoping that will catch their attention. If you have any ideas on how to improve the newsletter, please feel free to chime in.


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