How to send attachments through the text editor

Direct attachments are now available within the editor within any type of communication (texts, emails, messages, chats, or invites). Please use the various file upload options in the content editor to attach files, embed pictures, or even videos, etc directly in the message body. This gives you ultimate control on how and where the attachments are displayed within your content.

Here is how you can now send attachments through the text editor. For example, to send an email to your troop with an attachment go to Communicate > Send an Email:


Then once on the Send an Email page, click on the “+” button within the editor.

This will then open up another submenu that will allow you to upload almost any kind of attachment you wish into the email, such as images, videos, or almost any kind of file type.


To upload a typical file attachment, say a CSV, click on the document/paper icon and select the file you would like to upload. The file will be a clickable link within the email.



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Tyler - I have scripting built into a google sheet that sends the same message to about 11 custom groups
via but adds a different attachment to each group. Last Veterans Day 2019 the functionality worked fine. When I went to use the program this year, the body of the email was not sent through trooptrack - only the Subject and the Attachment. When I replace the address with a regular email address the Subject, Body, and Attachment are all received. So I feel pretty confident that something has changed on the TroopTrack side.

When I send from a webmail client to the Subject, Body, and Attachment are all received.

Any thoughts?

Hi David,

Is this still happening?



Yes - I just tested again and not working as expected.


Hi David,

That is really hard for us to diagnose and resolve because it seems to be an issue with the script and google sheet. Since this is happening off platform we don’t have much control over it.

If you’d like to share the google sheet you are using to organize the emails, we can have @dave take a look at it. Send/share the sheet to



I appreciate you getting back to me. I am not going to worry about it. I can still send attachments via group mail addresses via the google sheet and then I just follow-up with a email from within TroopTrack to a single master group to send the body text. My script used to fully work with Trooptrack and still works when sending to any external email account.

So it was a nice to have, but not worth the time to troubleshoot as infrequently as I use it for the reason you mention as being difficult to pinpoint where the problem lies.

Thanks again,
