Import your data from and to IA 2.0 / Scoutbook

I’ve exported our troop advancement details from scoutbook, and I get a CSV file of around 4MB. Now when I try to import that file I get a " 413 Request Entity Too Large" message from the site.

How do I go about getting all this data into our site? Is there another way that I can sync the data between Scoutbook?


I will get this over to the TT admins, no there is no other way to sync data into TT.

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@TeamPeak, Dave asked that you e-mail him about this

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We’ve recently reactivated our girl’s TroopTrack account that we quit using a couple years ago. I’ve added all the new scouts and insured all the BSA ID numbers and names are correct. I’m now trying to bring in all the advancement from Scoutbook, but running into issues.

In Scoutbook, I used the Export/Backup - Advancement option to download a CSV file. When I try to load that in TroopTrack by setting the Type of Import to Ranks I get a number of errors about the column headers.

  • Unrecognized headers: BSA Member ID, Middle Name, Advancement Type, Advancement, Version, Date Completed, Approved, Awarded, MarkedCompletedBy, MarkedCompletedDate, CounselorApprovedBy, CounselorApprovedDate, LeaderApprovedBy, LeaderApprovedDate, AwardedBy, and AwardedDate
  • Missing headers: rank_advancement and completed_on

I then tried Merit Badges and got similar errors.

Can advancement data from Scoutbook be imported into TroopTrack?

Use Type of Import Scoutbook Advancement. Otherwise you have to format the export for the Ranks Import Specifically as shown in the other article.

Thanks for the reply, Aaron. For some reason my eyes didn’t go past Merit Badges and Ranks so I didn’t even notice the Scoutbook options at the bottom of the list. I used Scoutbook Advancement this time and everything imported.
