I am trying to import the IA 2.0 Text document from Troop Track into Internet Advancement 2.0.
For the most part it worked, but I am noticing that the Awarded date is not updated in Internet Advancement 2.0 on any of the scouts that were in the .txt document.
I see the awarded date listed in the exported Troop Track .txt Report. But none of the awarded dates are updated after the import happens in I.A. 2.0.
I am wondering if the .txt from Troop Track is not formatted properly. Is this a bug with Troop Track? Please advise.
Can you send the file you are uploading to IA 2.0 to support@trooptrack.com and we will take a look at it. We have formatted the downloadable file as instructed from the BSA. If something is a mis, we will need to send that onto the BSA and see what is going on. Then we can get to the bottom of this.
Previously the upload would mark items as Awarded but they changed it. It really doesn’t matter though since we use TT and it would be listed as Awarded in TT.
Unfortunately then according to Scoutbook’s knowledge-base you would need to mark it as Awarded in scoutbook.com, so if parents were looking at Scoutbook they would see it as awarded. Do you have people using both Scoutbook.com and TroopTrack?
No our troop uses troop track, but as the advancement chair I have been using scoutbook to do that just thing. I was hoping that when we import the file from Troop Track(where achievement is marked as awarded already) into IA 2.0, that it would update the
awarded date in IA2.0 as well. The imported Troop Track .txt file has the Awarded date in there. Not understanding why this can’t be done. Please let me know your thoughts.
I have attached the .txt file to verify
Thank you,
(Attachment import_Troop_276_2019-10-08 09_25 pm_IA2.TXT is missing)
No our troop uses troop track, but as the advancement chair I have been using scoutbook to do that just thing. I was hoping that when we import the file from Troop Track(where achievement is marked as awarded already) into IA 2.0, that it would update the
awarded date in IA2.0 as well. The imported Troop Track .txt file has the Awarded date in there. Not understanding why this can’t be done. Please let me know your thoughts.
This is a BSA ScoutBook decision. One of the Forum posts about this issue had some discussion saying that it was causing problems in ScoutBook.com when they were being marked as Awarded when uploaded, the other issue that is listed is they were not showing up on the Shopping list report because they were marked as Awarded. Is there a specific reason, other than data accuracy, that you want them to show Awarded? I do get the data accuracy thing but if the documentation says it doesn’t work that way and it does not adversely affect the Scouts records then unfortunately that is all we can do.