Import your Library Instantly

Upload files for this importer like this.

We recently made an Library importer!

You can send us a spreadsheet of your library books and we can import them for you instantly. The spreadsheet should have the headers title, description, and condition (spelling matters, but case doesn’t). The order of the headers doesn’t matter, and other headers will be ignored. The condition should be one of: ‘Like New’,‘Good’, ‘Usable’, ‘Needs Fixing’, ‘Needs Replacing’, or ‘Needs Maintenance,’ otherwise the book won’t be saved.

Required Columns:

  • Name
  • Condition
  • Description

Optional Columns:

  • None: there are no other columns available for library books.


| Name                | Condition    | Description           |
| Handbook 1          | Like New     | All the tips you need |
| Camping 101         | Good         | How to sleep on dirt  |
| Fishing for Dummies | Needs Fixing | A guide to fishing    |