iOS Logout

Is there a set logout time for the mobile app overall or specifically on iOS? I don’t use it daily and haven’t paid attention to how long before it is logged out but when I go back in at least several days later I need to login again. As a second part if you are logged out does that mean you would not get Chatterbox notifications?

Hey @AaronStorey,

There is not a set logout time. It might have been from an iOS update? How often is yours logging out? You should still be receiving notifications as notifications are tied to your device. Even if you are logged out.

Let me know if this continues to happen.


I have been trying to go into the app more often and even after being in the app yesterday afternoon I opened it this morning and had to login again. That is good to hear about the notifications.

We specifically allowed the app to securely keep your login credential so users would not need to continuously login. I am not sure if the iPhone or iOS system is doing something itself or not.

A quick google search led me to:

What iOS device are you using?

I would be interested to see if others are experiencing this as well? I am of course in the TroopTrack mobile app everyday on my iOS device and I am not experiencing this. If this is happening with multiple people we can have our tech team look into this.


I have an iPhone SE running iOS 13.4.1. I will keep track better. I just force closed the app and went back in, had to login. I will test tonight and then tomorrow and keep you updated.