Is there a report showing which privileges users have?


I’d like to review who has “higher” privileges on our site (e.g. money management, adding users, etc.) given that we’ve had people rotating in and out in the past couple of years. Aside from looking at each entry, is there a better way, like a report that would show me who has access, for example, to look at money accounts?


Goto Quick Nav - Reports then create a custom Privileges report
Click off all the boxes
Once the report is here export to CSV and alalyze/piviot table in excel to see what you are looking for

Great, I’m able to check who has access to key features. If the report had a “level” column, it would tick all the boxes for me, but this gets the job done. Thanks for the helpful reply!

To get access level you need to do a “user report” then do a vlookup between the CSV’s to get it in one spot. Not super hard, but does require what I call excel shenanigans to get it on one page

Thanks for the suggestion! I was able to bring in “level” from the users report using a vlookup column. Luckily we won’t need to do this sort of housekeeping so often. Thanks again.