Misspelling in AHG Achievements

Various misspellings of “Tenderheart”

In several places it needs to be corrected to “Tenderheart” - there is no capitalization of the H and it is not plural

  • Bible Belles (should be “Tenderheart”)
  • BY Faith (should be “Tenderheart”)
  • BY Faith Creed has all kinds of issues… I think the title should be AHG Creed REAL Study (with the various units)
  • Operation Christmas Child : The Greatest Journey (should be “Tenderheart”)

Hi @BrandyPethel,

I corrected those misspellings of Tenderhearts. I’m unclear on the issue with BY Faith Creed awards? I saw tenderheart was correct, but from what you’re saying the name is different? Is that correct?


David Keener

Yes. I’m not sure what the BY Faith Creed award is. There’s a new Creed Study available which I think is what this one is referring to. It’s awarded like the BY Faith Award so I’m guessing it was just duplicated and just not named correctly.

This is the link to the study guide: https://store.americanheritagegirls.org/products/r-e-a-l-life-book?_pos=6&_sid=7a0680886&_ss=r

Brandy Pethel

Hi @BrandyPethel,

Yes it was my understanding that they’re apart of the BY faith awards. I can change the name to Creed Study on those awards.


David Keener

I believe they are an activity that can be done to fulfill the requirement of a BY Faith Award. There’s several activities that count. This is helpful as an achievement because there is a pin we need to order. Also, once a BY Faith Award is earned, or a Catholic Award (separate from the BY Faith Award), it fulfills the Faith portion of the level award requirement too. Similar to how badges fulfill the six frontiers requirements.
