Need canned report of Cub Scouts only, not parents

I am looking for a report that lists JUST the Cub Scouts and does not include the parents. All the reports available include parents also. I often need to have a report that lists Cub Scouts only. Is this something I am missing? Not sure why I can’t get this quickly from a canned report to list/print/email my full rooster.

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Hi @SeanNanglen,

I’m not sure how you have your dens organized, but if you leave your parents unassigned, this should work. Go to Communicate > Print Roster, and use the selections there to get a list of your scouts.


I do have my parents assigned to dens. is that something we should NOT be doing?


It’s a better practice to leave parents in the “Unassigned” category and under Manage > Settings > Edit Troop/Pack Settings, TroopTrack Settings tab, check the “Include Parents on scout emails” option. Keeps things more organized.

Thank for asking!

Thanks for the tip. I was not aware that is how it should be done.
Is there a good way to “mass update” the parents and remove them from the den? I have a LOT of parents in there and it’s time consuming to do each one of course.


Sean Nangle

Hi, I went and followed your instructions. It worked great for being able to print roosters of each den now. However, it caused another issue.
Now when the den leaders send a note to their den, the parents do not get the message as the magic mailing lists do not contain any of the parents since they are not affiliated with a den.

How are we supposed to communicate to the dens when in the case of cub scouts the emails are associated to the parents. In many cases we have multiple parents per household that need the communication so we can’t just enter one email address for a single cub scout.

I looked at the video tutorial and there is nothing that addresses this need. I can’t be the only Pack that uses this tool for communication to parents AND also wants to print a clean copy of the actual Scouts per den.

What do I do now?

Hi @SeanNangle,

Go to Manage > Settings > Edit Pack Settings, TroopTrack Settings tab and click “Copy parents on all scout emails” and you’ll be all set.


Super. I just made that change and tested it and it worked.
Thanks for letting me know how to set this up. That is great news. Tx!!!

Sean Nangle / 412.736.2331