Den Leader's contact list

Does anyone know how to print a report such that a Den Leader will see the phone numbers of all the parents of the youth in that den?

I’ve tried slicing and dicing the custom reports and lists and can’t figure out how to do it other than export to Excel and do it manually.

And since we leave parents in the “unassigned” group, they don’t even get listed in the Den memberships.

Any ideas that put the full power of Trooptrack computers to work…?



I give all adults the ability to View and Print Troop Roster. They can see everyone in the unit, including parents in the “Unassigned” patrol/den, if they generate the roster.

Thanks @dboring, but don’t you have to give all adults unit-level permissions for that, then?
Which then gives them unit-level permissions for everything you assign them?


I give all my parents Household level permission, and they can still print it. I set up a fake parent in my pack to use for testing, and I was able to see everyone’s phone # & email address when logged in as that parent.

Interesting… thanks @dboring, I’ll have to give this a shot.