Requirement Changes for Achievements

Camping - Eagle Required Merit Badge Changes Needed Please - very minor change to wording on requirement 9c

First Aid - Eagle Required has many change implemented in January 2024. Please update.

Updates to requirements (2) (4) (7) (8d) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)

AHG New Patches
*Pro-Life Kids-American Heritage Girls + Pro-Life Kids! Patch Program –
*It’s Great to be a Girl and Choose Truth Patch Programs-American Heritage Girls - True Girl

  • Respecting Our Elders Patch—This event patch may be awarded for any service in which girls demonstrate a respect for their elders.

*Outdoor Patches (I can’t attach them, but if you tell me how I can them to you-see below)


Girls may earn the Get Out There! Patch either as a Troop, Unit, or family by completing these four


  1. READ the Get Out There! Introductory devotion: Experience God and His Creation.

  2. WATCH the Get Out There! Discover the Why: Prepare Your Heart to Get Out There! video and one or more Outdoor Skills Videos.

  3. CREATE a Thrival Outdoor Pack for each participant. (Girls can add to their Discover Good or Live RESTfully Thrival Outdoor Pack for this patch or decide to create a new one.)

  4. PARTICIPATE at any Program Level in three outdoor adventures within one Program Year. This patch can be earned annually. For more details on achievement, go to Get Out There! Insignia.


This patch program is designed to cultivate a curious and scientific mind while also fostering deeper relationships with God as girls confidently place their faith and trust in His love and forgiveness. AHG’s DISCOVER GOOD Patch is available in the AHGstore. Girls may earn this patch either as a Troop, Unit, or family by completing the listed requirements:

  1. CREATE the Thrival Outdoor Pack for each participant.

  2. WATCH the DISCOVER GOOD videos.

  3. READ and complete the DISCOVER GOOD section from pages 13 to 17.

  4. CHOOSE one Creation Track to complete with your Troop, Unit, or family.
     Scientific Method
     Plants & Fungi-Botany & Mycology
     Insects—Entomology
     Pets-Animal Science
     Birds—Ornithology
     Wildlife-Zoology
     Trees—Dendrology


This Patch Program is designed to show girls how they can Live RESTfully, using service-related fun activities to engage girls in caring for all aspects of God’s creation. AHG’s Living RESTfully Patch is available in the AHGstore. Girls may earn this patch either as a Troop, Unit, or family by completing the listed requirements:

  1. Read the Living RESTfully devotion, Live RESTfully.

  2. Watch the videos prepared for Living RESTfully: Discover the Why: Prepare your heart to Live RESTfully and Explore the How: Living RESTfully.

  3. Create Thrival Outdoor Packs for each participant.

  4. Read the short inspirational introduction and complete at least one activity from each section (Respect the Creator, Edify Mankind, Sustain Animal Life, Tend Natural Resources).

Please update Girl Scouts USA Financial Literacy badges, all levels. Original request, with source link is posted here: New GSUSA Financial Literacy Badges

Please add GSUSA STEM Career Exploration badges as requested in this post: Missing Stem Career Exploration Badges. Source: Award and Badge Explorer | Girl Scouts. JPG of filtered search for convenience:

Please incorporate the GSUSA 2023-24 program updates, as outlined in this post: GSUSA Badge Program updates for 2023-24. Please note that the source sited in that post has been archived, as the program updates occurred some time ago. New Source: Award and Badge Explorer | Girl Scouts. JPG of filtered content for convenience: