So many privileges!

TroopTrack has a very powerful, very flexible approach to privileges. You can control in great detail what users can do. But, with so many privileges, it can get confusing.

Which is why I've made a simple change to group privileges based on what they do. Now when you edit privileges, either for a single person or in bulk, they are grouped, like this:

And you can select a group of privileges or just a few, to suit your needs.

As long as I was in there, I also decided to add the ability to set access levels in bulk. Just click "Set Access Levels" from Manage -> Members -> Privileges and have at it.

Finally, I learned that some phones still limit text messages sent by email to 128 characters, and the new "reply" feature in text messages was using up those characters. So I split the reply into a separate text so it doesn't eat up your characters.

Oh, two more things I almost forgot about. 

1) For BSA units, I have fixed a performance problem in Internet Advancement Reports. Sorry it took so long to figure out. 

2) I also added a "notes" field to locations, so you can record information about your favorite camping spot!

Have a great weekend!

~ Dave

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As the person who edits privileges for our troop, I LOVE this! Thank you!!

This is great, but since this is now in action, I can no longer edit one person’s privileges from their privilege screen. It simply sits there after I add. Plus, if any person has the privilege already in a group add, it stops adding them. Is it just me???

I’ve tried this feature but it does not seem to apply the privileges. I am trying to give the Key 3 all privileges, I use this screen but when I go to their individual profile there is no update

Go to TroopTrack

Select user, select privileges to add, press Add Privileges button. If some privileges are already there then you get the message “User already has the privilege”

I am trying to bulk edit people e.g Key 3 to have all privileges. I’m having to remove all privileges first, to then add all privileges for it to work

Why can in not just add the extra privileges ? Or is this how the feature is expected to work?

Interesting, I would suggest sending this over to, I think you may have found a bug.