Training Options don't align with those our council offers

The training options available in the system don’t fully align with those offered & required by our council. Is it possible to glean the URL below to see the training options for GS of Colorado?

Are these regional trainings? Which ones are we missing and what are the expiration dates for each?

Many are offered online. Here are the ones I need for my leaders in the immediate term:

  • Nuts & Bolts (expires after 1 year)

  • Nuts & Bolts Refresher (expires after 1 year)

  • Overnight Trips (doesn’t expire)

  • Cooking & Camping (doesn’t expire)

  • myGS: Troop Management Central (doesn’t expire)

Thank you!

I’ve added those ones to the system. They should now be available to you.

Thank you.

Awesome. Thank you!