TXT, not just email, event participants

There’s a nice option to email event participants - this is helpful when we need to send updated info to folks in advance or even share info during an event.

This would be even more powerful if parents were automatically included - its good practice and BSA policy now for electronic correspondence.

Even better would be the option to TXT folks instead/addition to sending email. This would be especially useful when we need to quickly inform youth or parents on a trip. For example, it would be very efficient to TXT participants (and their parents) that we are returning from a trip with ETA of XX:00. In particular for more short-notice info, TXT is much more effective than email.

There is a setting that will copy parents on all youth e-mails if it is enabled for your Unit. Gear Icon, Edit Troop/Pack/Unit Settings, TroopTrack Settings, Basic Email Settings, Copy parents on al scout emails.

I like the idea of an option to text just the RSVPd group within an event as a quick message. We do still use the Text feature for those ETA messages and just send it to everyone, it may only apply to a sub set of users and a minor annoyance to those without participants on a particular trip but at least the info gets out there.