@GreggOrangio, the users endpoint does not include household info, but the users/id endpoint does. Give that a try please.
~ Dave
OK, thanks for the quick reply @dave.
So studying the API and data a bit more, it seems that the /users endpoint was not designed as I had expected it would be. Admittedly I’m not sure of the original design requirements. What I am saying is that the returned data does not provide data to build “typical” rosters where youth information is tied or totally dependent upon parents/households. For example, I don’t see how to reasonably construct a contact list for an entire Troop or subgroups. I see it can be done by one call to /users followed by repeated calls to /users/{id}, but… Again, am I missing something?
You’re not missing anything. If you want to get the household details you will need to make multiple calls.