This morning we released a small truckload of updates. Here they are:
1) When you print the agenda view of your calendar, you can now choose between landscape and portrait orientation.
2) We released an internal tool that will allow Melissa to fix the AHG badges that don't calculate percent complete properly. You should start seeing fixes for those badges appear over the next few days.
3) There was a bug in our payment setup that wouldn't let you turn off accepting credit cards once you set up PayPal. This is fixed.
4) The participation page is now searchable by date range
5) The training book now includes filters for expired vs. active training
6) The agenda view of your calendar now paginates properly. Previously you could not go to any pages other than the first page.
7) The category now saves correctly when you do a bulk transaction (money) that is not a transfer.
8) Table header rows no longer overlap the table content when printed.
I am going to post another announcement about our new user forum,, later this morning, so stay tuned.
~ Dave