Venture Crew Still Scouting Merit.Badges Record Bulk Progress

I have an account for Venturing. Many of my scouts are still scouting we have expanded now to include a fill boys and girls troop to feed our Venture Crew. The record bulk progress does not work for any troop level advancement function and each individual progress needs to be recorded separately.

Is it still most appropriate to use still scouting and hand enter each Merit Badge and rank advancement?

Can a troop account add Venturing as an add on in reverse just like the crew account uses still scouting?

I would like to use this function as we have twenty kids now and manual entry 20 times each is pretty labor intensive.


Following this post. I too ma having the same problem…

The solution Troop Track and our Unit came up with was that we opted for Troop software and the larger broader functionality it provides. Next we had to decide to manage venturing badges within a second paid subscription to TroopTrack or within. scout book. Since scout book is free and we can meet 95% of our other needs for advancement, calendar, funds tracking and communication with the Troop software we opted for scout books tracking of Venture Badges.

Warning***. The crossover did not go as expected. Money databases do not cross over. Best case scenario. Log in to the new software and import your names and rank from the council office and rebuild.

Do not forget to save a hard copy or CSV file of your money management.

I still love Trooptrack. But the crossover was tough.