6/17/19 Product Update

BSA Internet Advancement

Most BSA TroopTrack troops are now aware that BSA turned off Internet Advancement on June 10, 2019. TroopTrack has been working hard to find a solution and we have been in contact with the BSA to figure out new options for integration between TroopTrack and their new system. We have concluded that the best approach is to export the information in a file out of TroopTrack and to then upload that file back up to IA 2.0/Scoutbook. This functionality is still being tested and we will update our BSA troops when this feature is working and launched. Contact us at support@trooptrack.com if you have any questions.

New Features

Also, we have added the following features to TroopTrack:

1. We have added event information, including event links, to event emails. This makes it easy for the email recipient to just click to go to the event.

2. We have also changed the default level award for cub scouts so that the "Progress Report" for a den defaults to the right award.

If you have any ideas about features you’d like to see added next to TroopTrack, make sure you post them to https://community.trooptrack.com/c/new-ideas

Any other problems or site feedback, please post to https://community.trooptrack.com/c/site-feedback


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What about importing advancement and rosters from Scoutbook? I know several other programs that do this and one that has bi-directional support. Will we be able to import users and advancement rather than start from scratch?

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Which programs are you looking at that have bi-directional support or can import users? We’d like to check them out. We are currently working with BSA on the exact data and file type that we will be able to communicate to their system with. Sorry that is vague but I will be able to give more details/guidance a little bit more down the road.


ScoutManager has bi-directional support. Troop Web Host and Troop Web Host CS do not have bi-directional support, but can import and export csv files from Scoutbook.

If I read this correct this would be a one way import to scout book but without the ability to import days back to troop track. Is that right? So new member info will now need to be added manually rather than automatically via the sync?

Do you know if the individual requirements will sync with 2.0? With TN it only showed if a rank was complete not the partial items.

@jwatarz The file import for IA 2.0 does not support partial items. It only shows if it is complete or not.

@ScottHalley Right now, correct. But we are figuring out more right now with BSA.

Thank you so much for changing the default level for Cub Scout awards in the progress report. Saves us a bunch of clicks.

You can use the User Import feature to get new users into TT. It is not quite as clean as the old Sync method but it does save you from having to manually input the data. I was playing around with the export options from Scoutbook and I think I was able to get the data I needed from SB to import a user into TT.
