Your spreadsheet was super helpful.
Check it now and see if I missed any.
Boy Scouts looks good, except that you can remove SCO 221 & 232 from the Boy Scout track.
Cub Scouts looks good, except you are missing SCO_206 SUPPLEMENTAL LEADER RESOURCES
Sorry, I cannot help with Venturers or Explorers.
Just noticed…you have SUPPLEMENTAL LEADER RESOURCES as SCO_204…it should be 206
Also in the Boy Scouts you can remove the Scoutmaster - Before the meeting, Scoutmaster - the first 30 days, and Scoutmaster - Position trained
Also in the Cub Scouts you can remove the Den Leader - Before the meeting, Den Leader - the first 30 days, and Den Leader - Position trained, Cub Master - Before the meeting, Cub Master - the first 30 days, and Cub Master - Position trained
Have those been retired or are they duplicates?
They are Program names…so within each program, the SCO_nnnn trainings fall under one of those programs…I am rethinking this now…maybe we should leave them in so that Leaders can track when they completed the program.
@mlsully2002 & @JamynShanley thanks! This is great. Now the latest training is up to date! Thanks Matt for the quick turn around on this.
Yes, thank you both. If I can get it done, I do it right away. I could NOT have done this so quick without your help.
Have a great day!
@mlsully2002 there was another new training added on June 16th:
SCO_535 New Member Coordinator
I believe this applies to both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts due to the 5xx series numbering (similar to Journey to Excellence).
To reach this training course, just log into and click the graphic on the right side for the “BSA Learn Center”:
Then scroll down and note the new training link for “New Member Coordinator”:
Should be added now. Thank you for providing all the information.
Is there a way to download these from BSA instead of hand keying them for each leader?
The only training we pull from TurboNet is the youth protection training. The rest have to be entered in manually.
@KelsieC I know it has been suggested before to add the ability to download all training from the BSA. Is it on the list of planned improvements? If so, do you have a timeframe? If not, can we add it?
I’d actually love to see them as an item that you can mark completed and it would show all the sub-components as completed so that when a scoutmaster or ASM gets trained I only have to enter 3 things instead of 17. I’m thinking of something similar to how the ranks are done. You can check off each requirement of a rank individually, or just wait until the whole thing is done and mark the rank completed in one entry.
@KelsieC I know it has been suggested before to add the ability to download all training from the BSA. Is it on the list of planned improvements? If so, do you have a timeframe? If not, can we add it?
This is something we are currently looking into doing, but we do not have a timeframe for it. I would suggest checking back with me in a couple of weeks to see where we are at. In the meantime, I apologize for the inconvenience.
UPDATE: After looking this over, it is doable, but it will be time-consuming and messy. I will bring it up in our meeting on Friday, but I don’t anticipate this change being made until we move over to the new and improved version of the website.
Can you add the following additional trainings, please?
D21 Bachelor of Commissioner Science
D25 Advanced Commissioner Training
SCO_1000 Aims and Methods
SCO_1002 BSA Organizational Structure Development
SCO_1003 What is Boy Scouting
SCO_1004 What is Cub Scouting
SCO_1005 What is Exploring
SCO_1006 What is Learning for Life
SCO_1007 What is Venturing
SCO_1085 Council Market Analysis
SCO_1085 Council Market Analysis
SCO_1800 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
SCO_267 What is a Charter?
SCO_268 Scouting Units
SCO_269 The COR Position
SCO_270 BSA Standards and Volunteers
SCO_280 Introduction to the Cub Scout Outdoor Program v2
SCO_281 Pack Camping Program
SCO_282 Planning Your Cub Scout Outdoor Event v2
SCO_283 Planning Your Event
SCO_3000 Neglect Prevention
SCO_3002 Emotional Abuse Prevention
SCO_3005 Exposure to Violence Prevention
SCO_3006 Physical Abuse Prevention
SCO_3008 Overview and Policies
SCO_3009 Sexual Abuse
SCO_3010 Bullying
SCO_3011 YPT Certification Test
SCO_431 Aims and Methods of Scouts BSA Old
SCO_433 Ideals and Beliefs of Scouts BSA
SCO_434 Merit Badge Counselor Sign Up for Scouts BSA
SCO_435 Introduction to Merit Badges for Scouts BSA
SCO_448 What is a Merit Badge Counselor for Scouts BSA
SCO_450 CS19 Welcome
SCO_451 CS19 Aims and Methods of Cub Scouting
SCO_452 CS19 Bobcat
SCO_453 CS19 Advancement
SCO_454 CS19 Cub Scout Uniforms
SCO_455 CS19 Conducting a Cub Scout Den Meeting
SCO_456 CS19 Resources
SCO_457 CS19 Den Management
SCO_458 CS19 Conducting a Cub Scout Pack Meeting
SCO_459 CS19 Conducting a Pack Committee Meeting
SCO_460 CS19 Preparing Families for Outdoor Adventures
SCO_461 CS19 Keeping Cub Scouting Safe
SCO_462 CS19 Involving Adults in Cub Scouting
SCO_463 CS19 Pack Structure
SCO_464 CS19 Denners and Den Chiefs
SCO_465 CS19 Childhood Development
SCO_466 CS19 Continue the Journey
“SCO_467 CS19 Pack Finance
SCO_468 CS19 Annual Program Planning for Cub Scouting”
SCO_469 CS19 Annual Charter Renewal Rechartering
SCO_471 Advancement
SCO_472 Aims and Methods of Scouts BSA
SCO_474 Introduction to Merit Badges
SCO_486 What is a Merit Badge Counselor
SCO_530 Journey to Excellence
SCO_561 Nova Counselor
SCO_562 Supernova Mentor
SCO_607 What is Sea Scouts
SCO_720 Accessing Commissioner Tools
SCO_721 The Units Tab in Commissioner Tools
SCO_722 Entering a Unit Contact in Commissioner Tools
SCO_723 Unit Assessment Scoring Matrix
SCO_724 Entering a Simple Assessment
SCO_725 The Detailed Assessment for Commissioners Tools
SCO_727 The Reports Button for Commissioner Tools
SCO_733 Commissioner Structure
SCO_734 Role of the Unit Commissioner
SCO_735 Contacting Units and Capturing Strengths/Need
SCO_740 District Structure
SCO_742 The District Commissioner Role
SCO_743 The Assistant District Commissioner Role
SCO_744 Monthly Commissioner Staff Meeting
SCO_746 Journey to Excellence for Comm
SCO_747 Unit Service Plan
SCO_748 Support On Time Charter Renewal
SCO_749 Commissioners Training Continuum and Resources
SCO_755 Unit Comm Onboarding Worksheet Acknowledgement
SCO_758 Commissioner Service Foundation
SCO_800 Hazardous Weather Training
SCO_801 Safe Swim Defense
SCO_802 Safety Afloat
SCO_805 Drive Safely
SCO_806 Volunteer Impact on Membership
SCO_807 Recruiting Unit Leaders
SCO_808 Volunteer Recruitment
SCO_809 Succession Planning
Y01 Youth Protection Training Certification