We had a girl ask about service hours not showing up on her record. Our girls participated in Honor Flight. I went in, marked the attendance via the event and then put the 3.5 hours at the top of the page. None of the girls who were recorded as having attended have these hours on their record. This makes me kind of nervous, as we often record hours this way, adapting them individually if needed for troop events. I need to go back and double check the other events we have put our service hours in this way to see if it’s more than just this one event. But is this a known bug? Or can we no longer use this feature in that way?
Edited to add: I just did a quick search, this seems to be the only event that hasn’t recorded hours via the attendance sheet. I can go in and add the hours, but wanted TT to be able to see what I was seeing before I changed anything.
We’ve seen a similar bug with hiking miles. In another thread, someone found a workaround to use the arrows to toggle up and down the miles before saving the attendance. Not sure if that would work for hours as well. Agree a bug fix for those would be awesome, as it’s hard to tell that something didn’t record right and the workaround is not obvious either.
Tried that and it didn’t work for us. It’s happened in the past, and what’s weird, it’s JUST that event. I even updated an event we had last weekend and put the service hours at the top and it went in everyone’s hours. Just that one event didn’t.
I have the same problem recording attendance for events. I create the event and set the number of service hours and/or the number of camping nights, and then afterwards I set attendance with “Attendance → Record Attendance”. The event itself gets saved but the hours or camping nights never show under the individual scouts. This is definitely not a new bug.
Correct you must increment the number at the top column in order for it to fill down to all of the people in the list, then the ones selected will have it applied. It sounds like SRUEDU was having a different problem with a specific event that did not apply the service hours after incrementing the top to fill it down.
If you have not fixed things manually I woudl suggest e-mailing support@trooptrack.com with the link to your event and your description, perhaps they can take a look and see what is going on with that particular event. They really don’t monitor the community.