Advancement report failure

I was trying to send the advancement report to council. The report fails with the following error. Can you let me know how to fix this?

Advancement report failed. Please correct the problems described below and try again. Don’t worry, none of your data has been submitted to BSA yet - submission only happens once we verify everything is okay.
Advancement report failed. Please correct the problems described below and try again. Don’t worry, none of your data has been submitted to BSA yet - submission only happens once we verify everything is okay.
xxxxxx with BSA ID xxx44981 could not be found in the roster:

I get this error when one of the scouts that I am reporting advancement for is not listed on the council website as being part of our troop. This happens occasionally when an application gets turned in but gets lost somewhere between our troop and council so that the scout is not officially part of our troop.

Figure out which scouts it is and uncheck the box in from of his name associated with his awards and try to submit again. It should work.

Then I turn in another application for the scout. I still buy his awards and present them and TT saves his awards to report the next time that I report advancement to council.