Any idea if we’ll get an announcements API? We’re still moving our website into TT (from TWH), and one thing I’m missing is the ability to push announcements to external display locations. I understand that TT doesn’t support RSS for announcements, but it would be nice if the API’s included the ability to read/push announcements so that it could be integrated with other communication and social media tools. For example, we are planning on using photo_albums API to automatically push photos uploaded to our public website or our troop ShutterFly account into TroopTrack, and the events API to synchronize the TroopTrack events list with external calendars (e.g., we’ll be using the Graph API to pull events created by parents in a booster related Facebook group). It would be nice if we could do the same with announcements.
I’m personally curious if there are any further plans for the API, of any sort. My inquiries about bug fixes and enhancements have been generally met with silence.