Board of review signup

Is there a way to use the signup or other method to schedule board of reviews when you do not know who needs them have the kids self set up appointments. Saying board of reviews will be held once a month and you need to pick a time and have scouts sign up and have volunteers sign up also ahead of time?

I’m definitely interested in hearing how people use the sign-ups feature for this (if it’s even possible). So I’ll reply to throw my hat in with Randolph’s question and hope to learn something new.

If I’m understanding the question correctly, I think this is the way I would do it. I would create the sign up sheet, and rather than put “items” or “duties” as what they can sign up for I would put time slots. You could also have an “item” be volunteer slots. Since the sign up sheets need to have a date anyway then you could just put the date for whenever the meeting is.
So in the slot you could physically type in the time slot and then put down how many people you are willing to take in that time slot. Does that make sense?

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It does make since not the easiest way to understand, but I guess it is a workaround. Would be good if they had a sign up that could repeat and be more geared toward board of review, but this could work.

thanks for the feedback.