Schedule Boards of Review

Our troop would like to allow the Scout/Parent to formally request/schedule a board of review, to help make straight this part of the Chaos of Advancement.

" We are a troop who would like to see who has a BO, for what rank and which AL/ASM’s will cover it."
“I am Scout/Parent who wants to request/Schedule a BOR”
“I am An adult leader who wants/needs to participate in a BOR”
"I am a Admin who wants to see that it has taken place, see that it is time stamped, See that it was completed/incomplete and be able to add it to the Scout’s Advancement History.

Thanks for your consideration.

This is a great idea. I can see, especially for a large Troop, where this would be really helpful. It will be interesting to see if it gets much traction from the Community users. Often for ideas to get implemented they need to get good support from the Community, then depending on the ease of implementation, can take a long time to come to fruition.