Box Colors

I have an odd question. Each of the boxes with a person is a different color. Scouts are yellow, unregistered parents are blue, registered are red. This week we got a new color, green. What in the world does that mean? The odd thing is when we integrated, her daughter didn’t come over from Connect. Could that be it? She’s a parent with no kid and not registered?

In our BSA troop view, colors are yellow for scouts, red for adult leaders, blue for parents (who aren’t leaders) and green for adults without anyone else in their households, like a merit badge counselor or just a random guy who comes and helps but has no kids in the program or is a leader.

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That makes sense! This parent’s kid didn’t transfer over from National when we integrated.


I need to changed some from blue PARENT to green ADULT. How can I do that?

I also need to change someone from green ADULT to blue PARENT. Is there a way to do that?

As far as I understand, the way to flip an adult to green is to edit the adult so they are in their own household with no youth under them. To make them blue, they need to be a parent for someone.

The colors seem to be tied to the type of adult they are based on household information, so it’s not up to a user to change. The color is meant to signify this status.