Custom Mailing List - Image header?

I’m testing out the custom mailing lists feature. I was wondering if there is a way to have emails sent to these lists to have our custom uploaded email header image?

Hi @mycrookedcreek,

Any emails sent from within TroopTrack should have that custom header image.


David Keener

What should I do if it isn’t? I sent a test email to one of our custom mailing list ( and when we received it, the email had the standard TroopTrack header image.


Hi @mycrookedcreek,

Was this email sent from within TroopTrack? Here’s what I’m seeing when I pulled up your account and sent an email from your Troop (I can do this since I’m a customer support agent).

If the email is sent from within TroopTrack, then it’ll have the header.


David Keener

So the emails I’m talking about are sent using my own email client (Spark Mail, on a mac) to the special “custom mailing list” email I have setup (like the tc-vc one I mentioned previously). I hoped since they are sent through our troop account they would also have the custom header image.

I was interested in doing this also. Sending an email from Troop Track with our Custom Header. I can only get the email to embed an image in the body of the message. How do I customize the message and replace the Troop Track logo from the email? Thanks.

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