Duplicate Newsletters

Ever since my family was transferred to our current troop, I have been receiving duplicate emails on many things. Until just recently, I would receive one for my entire family and one focused only on my oldest daughter. I thought I would be smart and delete my email from her profile but then I did not receive any emails relating to events that only she was invited to. I added my email back but no longer receive a duplicate that is addressed to her however now the duplicate is addressed to my middle daughter.

Can you help?

The system is not setup to handle the same e-mail address present on multiple accounts, I am sure that is why you are seeing inconsistency. I would suggest you ask whoever has admin access to TT for your group to set the setting for “Copy parents on all scout emails”, this way your daughters can have their own e-mail addresses but you will still get the messages. Perhaps TT staff @Keener-Trooptrack, @Tyler can give more specifics.

Hi Jessica,

A very easy way to solve this is to make sure that all emails sent to scouts are also sent to their parents or guardian. Go to Settings " :gear: " > TroopTrack Settings > Copy parents on all scout emails . Make sure that setting is enabled and then when you email a unit, scout, or the whole troop then all of the parents of each scout in that unit, troop, or individual will also be emailed. To do this, you must have the right privileges to be able to change the troop-wide settings for your troop. If you do not have the privileges, ask a leader in your troop to enable that “Copy Parents” setting.

Let me know if that works for you or if you are looking to accomplish something different?
