We’ve noticed adult members in the Pack are getting several duplicate emails when a TroopTrack email is sent. Upon investigation, we noticed that parents have included their email address in their scout’s profile as well. Each time a TroopTrack email is sent to everyone, a duplicate email is sent to the parent because their email address appears in the parent’s profile as well as the scout’s profile. A quick solution is to remove the parent’s email address from the scout’s profile. However, an idea is to validate only one email is sent per email address for any particular bulk TroopTrack email delivery.
We are getting duplicate emails as well. Very random to hotmail.com and googlegmail.com accounts. Only parent emails in the system. Scout have no email. It appears for some to send as many emails as people in the household… .but not able to confirm. Checking the email receipts, it only shows one. But I am getting screen shots from adults and leaders of multiple invites and announcement emails.
This does not appear to be a system wide issue so perhaps something specific to your groups account. Send a message to support@trooptrack.com, include some of the screenshots the parents are sending you as well as their names and e-mail addresses so the TT staff can take a look. They are short handed right now as they recently had a staff member move on and this is their busiest time of year but they will take a look at it. Get it in the queue though.
This did seem to be a wider issue and I got word a fix for this was pushed out this morning. I personally only saw one reminder per event today for meetings tomorrow.