E-mail black background

Is there a way to control HTML e-mail colors? is this something new? I had pasted some text and while it was clearly readable on the e-mail creation screen, it showed up as black on black (and not visible) in e-mail. How do you control theme of HTML e-mail? Can we get it back to white background with black text? Or at least match what is on the e-mail form? WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get.
Thank you.


Which email were you trying to send?

We are actually in the middle of updating the emails on the site as we have noticed more troops than ever sending emails from TroopTrack to keep up engagement and communication during this time. Email is as important as ever!

Let me know which actions you took to send the email, and we can make sure it design and working properly.


We just went to communicate | send an e-mail like we always do.

Attached image of a quick test right now.



Thanks for the quick response. Can you add “tyler@trooptrack.com” in the non-member field, and send another test. I would like to take a look at what you are seeing.

Then we can get to the bottom of this.


Hi Kermit,

I received the email, and it looks normal from my end. What email client are you using? What device are you using? What browser are you using?

Then we can take a look deeper into why yours is appear as it is.
