Editing achievements for retired scouts won't work

I’m trying to look up the merit badge records for a scout who’s moved to another troop and his profile is now deactivated. His merit badges appear but when I click on the eyeball or the edit icon, nothing happens.

In the browser console, I see these error messages:

**application-ec544a3fe7207a1f35d5dc3192fc40d29b9364cf914b175284d52366afcf643f.js:4 GET https://troop1000.trooptrack.com/achieve/users/445541/merit_badge_trackers/947777 404 (Not Found)
application-ec544a3fe7207a1f35d5dc3192fc40d29b9364cf914b175284d52366afcf643f.js:4 GET https://troop1000.trooptrack.com/achieve/users/445541/merit_badge_trackers/947777/edit 404 (Not Found)**