Due to an email based attack on TroopTrack, we have suspended all email delivery for the time being. We expect email to resume sending by tomorrow evening. In the meantime, please be patient with us.
The attack is not one that puts your data at risk. The perpetrators are using an automated script to sign up for trial TroopTrack accounts, then sending spam emails from the account. We are working to add controls to prevent automated sign ups and account verifications as quickly as we can.
We have resumed email delivery for the time being and are monitoring the system for signs of a renewed attack. Emails sent in the last few hours will need to be re-sent unfortunately. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Thanks for everyone’s patience while we have worked on fending off this attack from spammers. We have had to make several changes to prevent the use of TroopTrack free trials as a platform for sending spam, including the following:
You are now limited to adding only 5 non-member email addresses to messages sent from TroopTrack
If you attempt to send a message to a large number of non-member email addresses (hundreds) your account will be suspended automatically
We understand these changes may be problematic for some of you. If that’s the case, let’s discuss it on TroopTrack community until we find a better solution.