Email Invitees not selecting everyone

I used the Email Invitees function and under Recipients I selected “Coming”. I then sent the email, but I noticed that not everyone that RSVP’d to the event as coming was listed as a recipient in my email confirmation. When I look under Recent Messages, and read the sent message, it shows the same thing – only some of the attendees are listed in the to field.

There are 13 scouts and 4 adults listed as coming. The 4 adults, and 5 of the scouts (parents) are listed as recipients. Four scout (parents) were not listed as recipients.

I’ve looked at the records of those that did not get selected and there is nothing different that I can see. I asked them, and they all receive other emails from TT like the newsletter and other blasts that we send to all members.

I’m hoping that I just overlooked something, but I’ve gone though all the settings and I cannot imagine why these attendees would not be selected. Can someone help?

It seems like you have looked at everything, this will need to be reported to and give as much specific information as you can. If you can forward the confirmation and send a link to the event that will give them what they need to look into it.

So this is still happening for us. I will email support again on this. Exact same issue – I email attendees, and the email confirmation that I get does not include all attendees. Very frustrating., I will email support on this again.

So to close the loop on this one, and to help anyone in the future who searches this issue, the problem was that I did not have “Copy parents on all scout emails” set to yes in our TroopTrack settings. So any scout that did not have an email address was not included in the email to attendees.