Email Notifications

I’m wondering if there’s a way to set up email notifications when things are entered into the system, ie. when charges are added to their account. If that’s already built-in, I just haven’t been able to find the settings. Thanks!

Hi @NampaTroop116,

You’re able to set up notifications by clicking on your name, then “your profile” and from there going to the “settings” tab. Here notifications can be configured. These can be enabled to pop up on your computer or you can also download the mobile app and those notifications will appear on the app as well.


David Keener

Am I able to manage email notifications for specific actions though? ie. when I enter expenses against a Scout’s account, can it notify parents so they know when they have a balance and need to pay?

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No, you cannot manage email notifications for specific actions. The notifications are either app or website based notifications not e-mail notifications.